Hemicyon, Bear Dog , making the base. |

Hemicyon, Bear Dog , adding texture and detail. |

Hemicyon, Bear Dog , adding texture and detail. |

Hemicyon, Bear Dog , adding flesh and detail. |

Commissioned Hemicyon, Bear Dog armature. |

Hemicyon, Bear Dog armature.

Crecy Models Giganotosaurus, finished and segmented for casting.

Crecy Models Giganotosaurus, making the base.

Crecy Models Giganotosaurus, baked and making the base.

Crecy Models Giganotosaurus, adding detail.

Crecy Models Giganotosaurus, adding flesh.

Crecy Models Giganotosaurus armature.

Commissioned Syndyoceras with calf finished.

Commissioned Syndyoceras with calf , painting.

Commissioned Syndyoceras with calf sculpt.

Commissioned Syndyoceras with calf , calf sculpt.

Commissioned Syndyoceras with calf sculpt.

Commissioned tsintaosaurust sculpt, finished and painted.

Commissioned Argentinosaurust sculpt, finished and segmented. |

Commissioned Argentinosaurust sculpt, finished.

Commissioned Argentinosaurust sculpt, making the front legs. |

Commissioned Argentinosaurust sculpt, making the arms. |

Commissioned Argentinosaurust sculpt, finished armature. |

Finished Commissioned Asiatic Elephants. |

Commissioned Asiatic Elephant, adding musculature |

Commissioned Asiatic Elephant, adding flesh. |

Commissioned Asiatic Elephant, adding flesh. |

Commissioned Asiatic Elephant, armature. |

Finished Commissioned Toxodon sculpt. |

Finished Commissioned Toxodon sculpt.

Commissioned Toxodon sculpt, adding detail. |

Commissioned Toxodon sculpt.

Work table pic. |

Finished Musk Ox sculpt.

Commissioned Musk Ox sculpt, painting

Commissioned Musk Ox sculpt, with base, ready to paint. |

Commissioned Musk Ox sculpt, adding fur texture. |

Commissioned Musk Ox sculpt.

Commissioned Musk Ox sculpt.

Commissioned Musk Ox armature. |

Finished Commissioned Samotherium sculpt. |

Commissioned Samotherium sculpt, painted and making the base. |

Commissioned Samotherium sculpt, musculature and detail.

Commissioned Samotherium sculpt, posing the armature. |

Work table pic. |

Crecy Models Baryonyx sculpt, finished and segmented for casting. |

Crecy Models Baryonyx sculpt, baked. |

Crecy Models Baryonyx sculpt, baked |

Crecy Models Baryonyx sculpt, finished. |

1/20 scale Indricotherium, segmenting for mold purposes.

Large 1/20 scale Indricotherium, in the oven.

Dan's Dinosaurs, Gorgosaurus- Pachyrhinosaurus in progress.

Dan's Dinosaurs, Gorgosaurus arms |

Dan's Dinosaurs, Pachyrhinosaurus in progress.

Crecy Models Carcharodontosaurus sculpt, finished and segmented for casting.

Crecy Models Carcharodontosaurus sculpt, making the base.

Crecy Models Carcharodontosaurus sculpt, adding flesh and musculature.

Crecy Models Carcharodontosaurus sculpt, adding details.

Crecy Models Carcharodontosaurus sculpt, armature skull.

Commissioned Chalicotherium sculpt, finished and painted.

Commissioned Chalicotherium sculpt, completing the base.

Commissioned Chalicotherium sculpt, adding wrinkles, musculature. |

Commissioned Chalicotherium sculpt, detailed and ready to bake.

Crecy Models Allosaurus sculpt, finished and segmented for casting.

Crecy Models Allosaurus sculpt, finished.

Crecy Models Allosaurus sculpt, adding detail.

Crecy Models Allosaurus sculpt, adding flesh and musculature. |

Crecy Models Allosaurus sculpt, working on the head and arms. |

Crecy Models Allosaurus sculpt, working on the head and arms. |